Funnily enough, I actually did, but didn't post it here. I also cropped a little off the right because it was distracting. [IMG]
[IMG] I'm thinking of killing the border or making it not overlay. What do you reckon? Edit: [IMG] V2 (Thick border) [IMG] V3 (Barely any...
[IMG] Done while waiting for the WAAAAAmbulance to take me to Comp-lane. ;)
I was debating Allfathers Garden from GoW2, but I don't know if I can be bothered to enter, especially with exams looming.
No worries, KB. If time is what you need, take as much time as you need. We'll welcome you back with open arms. ...That sounded a bit too...
Had a computing exam, which was horrible, then found out Paul Gray has allegedly died :'( ****ing awful day....
It looked awesome last time I saw it, Jfox.
You credited Loscocco on my screenshot in SOTW. Just spotted it.
[/CENTER] That one's mine. (Y) Anyway, I vote for Ih8YourGamertag, because they have created a lovely landscape shot of Boneyard which just shows...
Agreed, this map is now looking even better than it was, and it was pretty awesome to beign with. I like the Shotgun / Mauler switch, and the new...
[IMG] I have no idea whether the stock was previously edited, but it was a decent stock: [IMG] (And the In Silico logo)
I like the V2, but how about placing the text in V2 in the position the text is in V1? I dunno how that'd play out.
I was wondering where this map had gone. It sort of disappeared off the grid for a bit, but I'm glad it's up. I'll have a game with some mates...
1st one is like Megatron. Winnnn. Nice find.
I third Hulio Caeser, since I didn't get to last time round. I assume I don't have to link, since other people have already.
Oh pokemon, you're doing animated sprites all the time? That's cool. Go back in time 3 years and do it in Diamond & Pearl, then in HGSS. Maybe...
I perfected my game idea, which I shall talk you through next time you're on. Sufficed to say sparks will fly :D. [IMG]
My Precious: [IMG] Generator Lost: [IMG] Silhouette: [IMG] Cosmic Pain: [IMG]
Patch, you crack me up. Although i'm gonna feel very scared having you test my racetrack >,< It was named after the Ben & Jerry's ice cream...
[IMG] [IMG] Will release once it has been tested.