Well, this is a very unique take on Forgeworld, and I would love to see this created in Reach. As far as forging on the rock goes, I'd say go for...
Bah, Halo 2 was better. ;) I'll miss playing Halo 3, mainly for the insane games and maps that people created. Reach won't have that level of...
[IMG] Idk, bit of typography....
So I stole Pulp Friction from you when you were idle yesterday, and decided to have a playtest. Overall, I was impressed. It's not often that...
First in a while, and back on GIMP for the moment: [IMG] (Due to a massive PC suicide, I now lack fonts, brushes and photoshop. XD) Stock: [IMG]
Couldn't remember exactly how many colours 8-bit sprites have, so I did 5 (including BG) and 4 (including BG) [IMG] I know proportions such...
Track certainly looks smooth. The lift is pretty nice, too. I'd suggest throwing some aesthetics on around that lift once the track is finished...
You better make this. It looks incredibly promising.
As Halo has been a long-term part of my life, and indeed the lvies of my friends, we're going to the midnight launch. This is mainly because most...
Swan Song Katanga Askar's final Halo 3 Forge. So here it is, folks. With Reach on the horizon, i've finally decided to hang up my double boxes...
I actually became aroused by this map. I kid, obviously. But Obsidian is one of the greatest pieces of Aesthetic forging ever made, if not the...
Thanks for the CnC guys, but my computer has been dead since I posted this up, and therefore I can't do any Photoshop until it's fully fixed. I'm...
What a lovely way to end your Halo 3 forging. Beautiful aesthetics make this map really stand out, and I especially love the corridor shown in the...
Inception was amazing, but it left me so confused at the end. It's great when a film really makes you think. Oh, and Ellen Page is looking pretty...
So me and my friends played through Haunted House, and I was quite impressed. Here's a some good and bad points: :) The tubes used made the map...
I once mocked up a crackdown-based gametype using 1-sided VIP. The attacking team would be Los Muertos (For easy gameplay), Volk (Medium) and Shai...
T'was only a matter of time. Multicog looks amazing and plays amazing, and created some very unique gameplay thansk to the brilliant structres.
You sir, are clairvoyant. :)
Unless Reach uses Mass Effect's "Pre-render everything in space so it looks magnificent but takes up one whole disk" strategy, then I doubt it...
Combatting boredom with a quickie. ;) [IMG] Not really a fan. But meh.