Oooh. Well Metallic still hasn't put it back on his share, or reccomended it again. Maybe you should get from him first so THEN give it to me,...
K then.
Well I am asking for a plain simple directive. So you care highly if the map waits a few weeks or do you want me to wrap up forging it now?
Our? Oh yeah I remember GD saying you had given a helping hand. And about that other map.... the one I was supposed to be re-working on.... rusty...
This map was of a very high caliber. I loved playing on it very much. I must say that many of the things you have done with the space available to...
No you don't. Refer to things as gay as much as you want. Many times I have heard gay people being hippocrits when they use racial or religious...
Actually its one of the words I use least considering its a rather simple word of someone with a basic vocabulary.
I'm sorry but Far Cry 2 and Far Cry Creations were both failures.
Quite so my friend, I myself have just returned to Halo.
Yes. Indeed.
Meh. I noticed you glanced my profile with your gaze recently. In terms of Sarge a glance is a salutation oh exhalted one.
Hello to you as well.
Hopefully you and Blaze's map will get featured. Then finally you shall take your Maroon colored throne.
Yes yes, I will painfully recreate what I have already done before. *sob*
Your dot dot dots say otherwise....
But you do realize that now that it is not a Holiday... it may take a little longer to do again....
Thank you my gracious God. I will now prepare our sacrifice.
Ahh yes. Welcome to the Pub.
Blaze I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is I finished forging the map and made some really nice additions. The bad news is...