I am just dissapointed my proposed thing failed... sad face. No one second(ed) the notion. : (
Thats what they all say.... -_-
Ha yeah I know. I started loling when I saw you said that.
HHAHAH I love you Sweeny.
Because I am premium, anyone above normal user status has that priveledge.
No he does not.
my ichat, or aim is theyeiiow. I am 15 but now that i know your leaving, its k. for some reason i just always that you were a little kid.
how old are you?
Don't be sorry. No one even my closest forgehub friends have my personal contact info. I just don't think its appropriate.
I like the sig, looks nice. One suggestion, keep the hand with the ball hanging down but have the legs cut off in uniform with the rest of the...
I have never participated in a TGIF but I may as well. You can count me in but don't be too surprised if for some reason I do not attend.
I do know you can improve it because after all you were capable to make it. But I'll just leave it at that.
For various reasons I don't tell you and others like you is because they always end up going and bothering the others I play with, which then...
I was going to offer some constructive criticism on your map but after readin your responses I decided not to. You need to understand that I have...
Btw no. And if you do find out and contact me I will file multiple complaints and block you. No offense.
Ummm yeah I don't really think I am going to give you my AIM.....
This map honestly isn't as great as it seems. Firstly for gameplay, nothing seemed natural and had any real flow. It seemed like you forced many...
Don't each the nachos!
Yeah. These next maps I make should be very good. They will play well, better than all my others.
Holy **** thanks! Wow I can't believe you like them enough to just make a video. Thanks! It may interest you to know I a returning to forge and...