looks good u should post the pics when u make it tho and it looks like it will have to much rockets with all the tanks and stuff
i just played a 2vs2 on this even with 4 people its really fun and yes teamwork is a MUST my team didnt have good teamwork so we lost :( i added...
yea it looks ok but theres nothing good about it like its just a verry small map with some stuff put on it
yea the pics dont work and it doesnt really say much about the map
your maps 1 of the easyer ones to see i see some that had just about everything in it its sad because the maps r good but because thay have so...
yea im with spartin2000 i play lots of good maps that have so many effects in them that i cant see anything and it maks me hate the map. to many...
i think the Valhalla 1 is good because its hard to make a good map on the old maps so for that 6.5/10 but im sure people with the new maps...
looks very good. and i can tell it will b a fun map too. 7/10
yea people if he wants to make moded maps so b it. who cairs? it wont make it any beter thay a well forged map
lol people want what thay r not ment to have
mods r pointles...if everyone started off with recon people would say its gay and if only bungie had mark v or whatever the starting armor is it...
yep it does good job
is it just me or do the pics not show?
looks good i like the tower with the fiery ball lol 7.5/10
looks really awesome makeing a map that u cant see outside is a hard thing to do so 9.5/10!
looks good nicely done i think u should put the well right ubove the cript so u can jump down it and it takes u to something maby a custom power...
k i just played this in a small game of 3 people had to b team slayer... eather its really dark and hard to see or i have to much light in my room...
looks really good great merging but just 1 thing y is it called Spirit of Fire lol? 4/5
yea it is a bit hard to get the hornet out sometimes but if i made a whole in the roof people would probly just banshee bomb in the whole every...
i would have put more space juck but when i was puting in the spawns and flags i had to delete some because i had to much stuff on the map :( if...