when i have the pics on photobucket what do i do to get them big? also i kind of like smaller pics because thay loade faster and u can still see...
ok...zombies do die fast but have powerups that help them....if u combine a overshield with a custom powerup u have 400% health and run 50% faster...
i use photobucket and when the pics r on there i just copy and past them on here maby i put my pics on there a smaller size befor i used it for...
started from scatch a little bit after the maps came out then edited it a few days ago
This is a map i made a long time ago a bit after heroic maps came out. i made it after playing a game on the web called The last stand! it was...
i think the Power drains r fine because thay have a 30 sec spawn time and theres only 2 u could stop maby a few Vehicles every 30 secs and thats...
lol i made 2 maps in more than 2 days after i made space warz i went on here and because its the hollerdays here i have nothing to do all day so i...
for many years people going to jail were just sent to the mid of nowhere. but after years of trying the 1000s of prisners were about to find a way...
i just had a look at this map in forge and i see u blocked off the laser things so u can play out of the map i would have never of thought of that...
this looks Amazing! awesome job keep it up 9/10
looks awesome! but i would take out all the vehicles because like Xtremegamer1996 said people would probly just drive in a big lap 9/10 atm
i tryed all the effects and it without them and i think this 1 makes it look the best because it makes it look like its in space and thats what...
looks good this is 1 of the maps that stand out in skybox most the other 1s all look the same lol 7/10 keep it up
looks really cool i like the city too lol 7.5/10
looks good i like the lighting lol 7/10 keep up the good work!
wow when i made a UNCS vs Covenant the Covenant won 9/10. maby because i hid some of the good UNCS weps and put the spartan laser in the mid of...
yea please make a weapons/abilities chart and add it.... map looks good lol idk how u used all 3 lvls i couldnt even make 1/2 my map on the top...
most of us like me have like no room for maps/gametypes and will have to delete something to get it. u need to make us feel like its a really good...
it doesnt say anything about the map and from the pics i cant tell anything about it please make it beter
yea im with him fat kid sucks but i no some people like it... ive seen games of fat kid with like 16 people and like noone quits lol idk y thay...