Actually Nemihara... These people are paid to deal with complaints If it wasn't for stupid people who get pissed when a map doesnt load, these...
I love all the fancy shmancy sigs that i see on the forums So if anyone could help me get one that would be great Or tell me how to get an...
ohh sexy
cool looking for sure just simple
lol kinda random
looks like it would be good for a new default foundry setup
looks quite interesting maybe a lil sloppy but w/e
Wow this looks awesome Amazingly original desing should be featured in my opinion
Very Nice good merging/interlocking
really good job with interlocking and all
Looks awesome VestigeL by the way PM me how the old forgedome is comin*
House/masion maps are getting a little old but nonetheless this one looks good
Great interlocking well done
looks pretty good just a little empty maybe
looks really nice n clean just a lil more interlocking is all
Thank you for making all these they look nice
Haha that looks well made and awesome good work
Dang .. from the name i thought i would like it but i cant see it
looks nice and clean i just wish those roofs were level with the top of the boxes not on top of them
looks nice and clean ill check it out