Thanks man
C'mon guys take it easy this guy is obviously new to Forgehub/Forging rather than bashing him and verbally abusing him, how about some advice...
I Hope This Helps If this one isnt good than tell me and i will give u another OH ONE LAST THING: PEACE SIGN it would be sweet if you somehow...
Wow Great SIG's I HAVE A REQUEST: Image: ODST (any pic of an ODST Spartan) Colors: Orange and Green; light and cool Theme: Light and Cool...
At first i thought this would be MLG Onslaught lol very well made anyways good job
looks pretty plain but at least it is neat and orderly
nice.. very well done nice interlocking
Looks a little too plain but nice forging anyway i'd give it a 3.9/5
looks pretty good to me but the walls look a little crooked and sloppy and i would suggest interlocking those double boxes on the curved part
Looks like a really fun map to play gameplay = 5/5 actual forging is about a 4.5/5 really nice work overall
Lol yeah it looks sick If only i had fans like this haha
looks great ill give it a try
Looks well made a couple more pics would help
looks good i will download and try it out
Looks pretty cool just lacks that "wow" factor
Looks great but INTERLOCK
not bad but more screens are needed
nice interlocking but the base seems empty
wow nice job map looks nice good interlocking
mehh not bad