Thank you very much guys im glad you like it and the roofing i guess could be a little better where the fence walls interlock but it think its...
no you cant well actually if you partner jump and grenade jump at the same time you ight be able to but i play tested it and made sure there would...
Thank you what do you think needs to improve? i am open to constructive criticism
thank you all for the feedback and the reason it is hard to get out of the middle is that you canty get out by jumping cuase it is too high and...
Thank you but i assure you ... it was controlled i placed the single boxes in the middle so they would provide the correct angles of cover and two...
QuickSand [v2] By SPAGETTII NEW SPAWN SYSTEM AND BETTER COVER. Same OLD QUICKSAND [IMG] Quick Sand is a small circular map with that is...
looks awesome but what happens when u fall off the left side of the base?
looks like a fun map but i think this looks more casual w/e i like the bottom bridge it looks risky
looks pretty good it may be just a little too simple try adding more rooms or levels or something
wow overall it looks awesome i love the little side bunker and the bridge
Nice job the map looks really crisp and clean the only problem is that it is too open i would replace those fusion coils with dumpsters, barriers...
Not bad overall try to interlock more and straighten out those walls and then your good
Looks like a cool map except the interlocking and scenary placement looks a little sloppy try to straighten all the edges and what not
Wow from what i can see, this map looks awesome i wish you had more screens i love the grav lift and the tunnel
nice map the interlocking is great I love the flow of the different levels
good interlocking and such i think it might be a little too open though .. add some more cover
Wow the middle structure looks great I would just try to clean up the tower now
Wow great interlocking and merging. Nothing seems to be flawed with the map except i have one suggestion put more cover in the middle otherwise...
Looks good, just do one thing Instead of just placing the two boxes on top of the center walls, stack up seven double or single walls while the...
The map looks great, I love the windy staircase I would just suggest making more of the floors out of bridges instead of walls