Solo legendary for me, as I've done with every other Halo game. Plus there's an achievement this time around :D
[spoiler] Anywho, a new firefight map!
definitely legit, read through the thread a bit; it makes sense. YouTube - Halo: Reach ARG (Noble Team Monument) Remember Reach ARG :D...
This map honestly makes me excited for the Reach version. It's just so much fun and hectic, the only thing I would have wanted is that the map...
[spoiler] is the legendary flaming helmet. Now that you compare these to the blue ones... blue flames really don't look that special at all. I'm...
Yes, inclamate weather shows lightning in the picture though not blue flames.
there's several pictures of players with blue flames similar to the legendary edition flames but well... blue. maybe that's it.
It's the same concept as E3 where developers show off their games and what not. and it's not next week, it's this wednesday.
Gamescom? I know MS is having a press conference, bungie will probably be there.
To be honest, I agree. The Halo Reach television commercials are very generic and just really aren't as good in contrast to previous Halo TV...
Has anyone else seen this version of the Battle Begins Trailer yet? There's a couple scenes not shown in the other version like the red elite...
send me an invite sometime and i'll take a look.
No actually I don't remember :P Which one, the parkour one?
Needs moar [float] tags. Seriously though, I do not have a single negative comment about this map. There's some really unique architecture and...
It's always been like that, even since ODST. The map reminds me of Inception. Loving the décor
It'd be a shame if VIP were to vanish. It was one of the more unique, versatile gametypes and one of my personal favorites. I honestly don't get...