I enjoy Monster Truck maps if they're done right, as well as Teachers and C&R from time to time with my friends. So what? Black Hole was a hit in...
While I understand that a lot of the review was just nitpicking, you are a bit overreacting. The review I thought was fairly accurate, there were...
no, i would say hunters have definitely increased in size. YouTube - **NEW** Halo Reach: HIJACK A MONGOOSE ? lol
You preordered from gamestop/EB games? You shouldn't need a receipt(thought it's always good to have), they'll have your name and contact...
Reach ratings so far, they're really good. Worth Playing 8.5 out of 10 Giant Bomb --- 4 out of 5 IGN --- 9.5 out of 10 Planet Xbox 360 --- 10...
AZN FTW/Godly Perfection
Well first you need to buy the base helmet, but to unlock the skull is 1 credit though the requirement is that you must have purchased every other...
and how do you know that? I will do the majority legitimately and failing that then I'll cheat them.
I personally would not put a banshee or falcon on the map just because of how little cover there is other than the height variation which is...
This made my day not even bungie likes beiber...
Bungie.net : Halo Reach
actually, i take back what i said. brutes used human shotties in H2. I wholeheartedly agree. tbh new brutes look like they've been hit in the...
interesting that brutes are using human weapons now, I guess that's to compensate for the lack of brute weapons. Bungie.net : Halo Reach
Hey, I'd love to forge for your Machinima group. I know how tough it can be for Machinima directors to create their own good looking sets while at...
Lowering gravity decreases fall damage, 50% gravity negates it.
Just got done watching a video of a guy killing Guetas.. christ they're massive and when they charge the screen shakes violently. This picture...
Haha that's awesome. Onto the sketchup, while it does look like a fantastic concept, I'm not too sure as to how it will play with a standard...
proof please.
YouTube - Halo: Reach Soundtrack - TIp of the Spear have you heard this yet? it's awesome. im going to go try spore out now :3
I actually really had a blast playing this when I was the guy who had to catch the flag. It was rather boring being the thrower or gauss guy and I...