he wants to make it so you can get powered up when you enter a vehicle. BTW: no you can't do this, you can't interlock vehicles with powerups....
as i sadi before i do see the differance in the grunt/ playable charicter hights. i just recently played throught campaign and stood next to a...
i see the differance in hight between the elietes/spartans and grunts, but the brutes are only slightly bigger than the chief/elietes. if you read...
i think it's urk.
that sounds kinda like what i said earlier.....
they made the gauss instead of ti though.... What they should make is the anti-air hog from the books.
oh, thanks
i have sketch-up but i just got it. is there any pre-built layouts to the maps? if so can somone tell me/give me the map's?
i think you should be able to be a brute. they already have alot of armor for them(mabie even more than the eliets!)
I'll, try it. when are you puting this on? GamerTag: Mavrick145
yes, you can join. anyone who wants to learn how to be good or is good with a chopper or warthog can join. look for Dark Steel in my social groups...
i agree.
Talk to Bungie or just look in the other thread that reads Recon.......
i already knew this stuff, but i've been playing Halo since it came out. it is a good guide to new players though. most of them don't know that...
i liked the mag-charger from future perfect, so i probably would use this gun alot.
cool i want to hear about some vehicle variants though....
you'd need to put it in H3 ODST right? Bungie said they weren't/ suposedly couldn't make new weps/ vehicles for H3. so if they put it as DLC like...
New wepons and vehical ideas(also armor) i have a bunch of new wepon ideas and vehicle ideas. i was just wondering what ideas you had. i think...
oh yeah! i loved that cave map. it would be cool if they'd let you make the stalagtites/stalagmites for cover. and you could actualy put the...