it'd be alot easier if Bungie had taken in my idea of letting the pleyer choose what each spawn point gave you (for a weapon). if a shotgunner...
sweet. is it on your fileshare? i'd like to play this.
Hey, i'll be hosting a contest to see who's map idea is the best. then i'll gather a few of the best forgers and see if we can make the top...
i asked urk if we could give him a few of these map ideas to bring to bungie, but he said that it would be against the law if he did....
i got a triple-kill splater on sandbox with the prowler, the enemy was in a warthog(2), then another person was trying to board the driver(1).
ok, i'll get the blocked off version and start on it later. i still need to train them in doging lasers and such. ill do that on sandtrap (the...
i'll bring them to matchmaking when they're ready. i want to show them a few basic tricks in the warthog/other ground vehicle first. then we'lll...
i have an air based map already built on sandbox(in the sky bubble) and now all i need is a warthog/other ground vehicle map. anyone wanna help(?)...
yes, please. i'm kinda sick of all the arguing. Fallout:New Vegas 1.sounds awsome 2. will most likley be awsome's nice to move the location...
sweet ships!
lol, nice. hey anyone interested in helping to make a training map for my clan?
i think Caretaker's basics would be alot easier to remember for a newbe.
hahaha, owned! anyway i have a solution that worked on snowbound. i had about 15 other people go outside of the bounsdaries so the turrets would...
Could you post some pics of it? i'd like to see you're ship Ghost.
i'm gonna try it, but will there be any differance in HD?
i got a semi good idea. you could light up the covenant ship with the blue balls of light. in the in all the halos the Covie. ships sre light up...
i have a small team that agreed to help build this, but i could still need testers. ill update this if they're needed.
it seems that you can turn a bit faster in the prowler turret. i use the prowler mainly for carrying my whole team(or most of it), or for the...
most of the building blocks on sandbox are made of rock....
i like these!