i dont understand what 'delayed death field' means how did u do it? it sounds cool tho i havent dl'd a featured map in a while, so ill give her a go
wow i like the concept of the map, and the last pic says it all ;) its simple, yet looks incredibly epic i cant wait to dl and kick my bro off of...
awesome a plane! just a suggestoin, but i think that a one flag or infection type game would be epic will give her a dl and check it out
cool this was my fav map on cs, even tho i only playd for about 2 or 3 months. nice job will give it a go and rate later
one flag or one bomb would be pic i agree
have u ever seen the alamo in real life before? this looks pretty close for being a forge render. i bet the infection games on this map with 12...
ooooh cool! somethin that beats you to pulp by teh guardz! ill give her a go
i had an idea like this once, but i couldn't make it work. this reminds me of epitaph a little bit with the main hall thing, but good job. will dl...
is this your first post? if it is good job. if not, good job anyways. will dl and check it out
i agree SOLD! hahaha i love tteh toaster! but i dont got many incens. o well! great job, and i wanna say something about the map not being on...
me and my friends are always laughin our asses off cause of duck hunt, and i am interested to see what the other maps are like
amazing 5 stars will dl and check it out
applause for bein in the military, and it looks nice too. great job for first post
i like it, reminds me of my first post
cool ill dl and check it out
hmm cool will definitely try it out and get back to you. one question on inspiration, why not tuckerball or churchball, or even donutball?
great job. have you ever thought of puttin an oddball spawn on top of the tower behind the bridge? just a suggestion
one word....... WOW! nice job
looks cool, but needs a bit of work. not bad tho
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