textured is right, i agree with him completely, and this actually doesn't look too bad, i like the concept and ill check it out when i am not at...
like chicken said, it looks really familiar and im not sure you really made this map, but i could be wrong, and then im sry, but you should kno...
this is really cool, the original pit wasnt that great, and this looks really good, great job ill check it out sometime
this looks very well made, but the floor seems a little open. i dont kno if this was how you originally designed it, but i think a few mongooses...
wow, i saw some of the other stargate maps, and this is by far the best one. now where does the activated gate take you? or did i not read close...
this looks interesting, ill have to check it out sometime
this looks ok, but armory??? ah well, i don't kno how it plays until ive played it. ill dl some other time when im not at the limit for dls =(
wow........... you have a lot of patience to do something like this. great job and ill dl sometime
thx for the tips guys, ill edit the pics and see if they are better
this looks cool, ill check it out
lloks good will dl and get back tomorrow
infection would be epic on this map with no motion tracker just a suggestion =) anyways, it looks really nice and organized, any way we could...
this looks awesome! ill dl when i get the chance (prolly tomorrow) since im still workin on my embedded pics, its startin to annoy me
thx napalm, once again the hosting =sites must not like someone with a name that starts with sa- and ends with -bian
thank you shatakai, the embed thing isnt working on my comp, so its startin to tick me off, and im doin everything i can to get it right with the...
i fixed take a look again
Hello my wonderful friends at ForgeHub! I would like to introduce my new map, Stormgooses! My first map here on ForgeHub sucked, and you, as the...
great job shock, i look forward to dling this map soon but not now since im at the dl limit =(
br is battle rifle nice job ill check them all out when i get the chance
its chinese new year!!! w00t!! nice job on the dragon-snake-lizard-thing =) ill check it out when im not at the limit for dls