reminds me of bloc on call of duty 4
looks okay from the microscopic pics, ill check it out, you may need to embed the images heres how: 1.go to 2.register (its free)...
looks great ill give it a shot
the original didnt really look all that great to me, but if you say this map is better, i may give it a chance. was the first version your first post?
i like that fence walkway, youve got my dl, if i wasnt at the dl limit =( anyways nice job on this, 5/5 from me
looks good, ill check it out and get back to ya
i like puzzle maps, youve got my dl!
interesting, ill check it out
i like tis gj
grats on the feature, i will definitely dl this map when i get the chance grats again
i like it, ill check it out
i sense a machinima comin off of this map sometime in the near future
this would make a great machinima set, great job
nice job, i could see this in a future RVB episode as some kind of god-like figure, nice job, you possess skills beyond mine
great job for puttin this up, ive been dyin to kno how to do this great job
it looks.........interesting, but i sense a lot of use of the honor rule
thx killamanjaro, i wasn't really goin for aesthetics, i was goin for playability, and fun factor too. thx for all the feedback guys
hahaha lol. i got it right on my first post! lol, this looks nice, and the interlocking is good, but is objective any fun? im curious to see,...
bienvenidos al ForgeHub! nosotros somos..... o wait this isnt spanish class.......... ^(welcome to ForgeHub! We are.......) anyways, welcome to...
this looks sweet! i like the idea. and i like lookin at it, makes me wanna go turn on my xbox rite now