is that me in the legendary sword duel ? hehehehehehehe
the video helps, but u need pics, read this thred to kno how to get pics
stickytown central, right here. looks pretty cool
this is awesome t3chno, i like your work
hmmm, nice bases, great cover, great looks, SOLD!! dling rite now
*jaw drops in amazement, and clicks the download button without sayin a word*
this looks cool, i like how you made the antennas the jail bars. great forward thinking, and its nice to see a last resort map every once in a while
where is the link to dl.....o there it is at the top, i need it rite now since that banked turn sold me on this one. great job.
can the electric chair do damage? lol looks good, i will check it out
looks great, i will check it out
havent seen a last resort map in a while, good job
ill give it a shot later, im at the limit
you need pics, and a description, and the mods are gonna eat you alive if you dont get it right, so read this topic to make sure that you do =)...
why make weps if you cant get to them more pics plz, but i like the concept, its different
grats on the feature, i will definitely be dling this one
interesting, from the screenshot links, i can see that it is very messy, and it would look better if you interlocked. read...
oooohhh, a laser for the kameh-hameh-ha wave (how do you spell it?) interesting
looks interesting, ill check it out sometime
yay another zombie house map!!!!!! dling rite now
wow two maps in one day! freakin amazing! dling rite now, great job