This is a pretty good map. There are only two things I see wrong,1. the mongeese don't have a chance with the lack of cover and 2.The racetrack is...
Honestly, it is too easy to escape. Try to get rid of a few exits to give the cops a chance. Especially if there are large groups. Is it even...
This is a pretty good map. If you can try to make it a little bit harder, and add a few more obstaces. There is nothing new here, so try to be...
This map looks like it was made in a rush. Take a little bit more time to enhance the maps aesthetic appeal. In addition, the vehicles and weapons...
Amazing use of interlocking and plenty of pictures to show off your map. You also have a nice balance of weapons, nicely done. I can't criticize a..."][IMG][/URL]...
These are some great screenshots.The last one, though, makes it pretty obvious that you made it in the black room on blackout. Try to angle it so...
I really like the fourth one.Its harder to take shots in campaign and you did a great job.
Big fan of Rooster Teeth. Great video and very, very funny. Keep up the good work.
This is one of the best remakes I have seen yet. Warlock was a great map and npw I can't wait to play it in Halo 3 now that I DL'd it.
I love I spy. Good idea for screensots. But like Cookieking23 said earlier, you shouldn't have to strain your eyes to see what your looking for....
I love these screenshots. Very unique. You gave away the secrets of the first two with your second screenshot, but thats o.k. Just leave it out...
I need some help to decide which of these screenshots I should submit for the SOTW contest ( for those who don't know the theme is black, white,...
It is easy to make. This particular screenshot was made in the newly discovered "blue room" on blackout. I know of one map on forge hub and...
I think this map needs a little more attention when it comes to aesthetic appeal, but you did a great job with weapon placement. I do like the...
Thsi is a pretty sweet map overall and I can't think of any way to criticize is. Nice job with the soccer ball part. It's the hardest part but my...
For future maps that you make you should make a complete weaons list.I also noticed that there is not a download link. For anyone who wants to...
The inside rooms of the castle desperately needs some cover. It also looks like you could drive the warthogs into the castle. But this is still a...
Honestly, I like the design. What I don't like is all of the power weapons on the map. It is important to have a balance between reg. weapons and...
This game looks sweet. While I have never heard of pink chickens, I like the fact that there is limited ammo. That way the chickens will have a...