I wish i knew how to do this, it would be fun i think to be able to make sigs like that, instead of my pathetic picture sig ...=(
michigan university, i love it. I watch all their football games, and its the main reason im really fallowing my grades this year, i would love...
uhm my next map is gonna pbe playable and asethenic, i promise.
hahaha my fault, i forget the g, Michigan University =p
I mean even if the end of the world is tomorrow, isnt that a badass way to die? They should have cameras in there too, So we can all the that...
ha i like beer pong as well, and i watch muy mucho college football, dude ECU is dirty nasty
oh, well ill do it another time i just fixed my sig up today, im hardcore michian fan, my friends riip my ass for it too "How could you lose to...
i dunt know how haha
that is a sick picture im not gonna lie, i dont know hoiw to to that weapon art stuff.
Yuuupppppp, thats why itsnot up, I'm fixing up the spawns, maybe makiung another sniper tower, and thats all, just wait for some new maps 1...
Hey, you psted it, I'm glad you got the spawn poinyts donw. So the map has some ncie interlocking, and a pretty cool layout, it was goodtimes...
It's some scary **** killnon, I hope you odn't have it, thoughts be with you man. I think I neeeda get etsted too, my grandmother died of cancer,...
E93, thanks for the review, I pretty much agree with everything you stated, and I hope I could improve on it, I know you only do one version, so...
yah, its not being cocky, its being confident, you could make a great map, but deny it and say it sucks, and if you dont advertize it, you dont...
ooohhh, now i wanna see the whole map. need any testers?
hahaha, I'd get so frusterated if some one hid in the cave like that, or if i was in the gave i would be flippinh out trying to yell through the...
E93, I dse you posted an hour ago about my map, I don't think its playable because I was editing it, so i think some of the stuff might not spawn,...
Though a sphere would be inventive, it would be small, with harsh gameplay, is it symmetrical or aesthemetrical?
I'll wait, I alwasys forget to sign myself up with the new FH TGIF 1 thing, so I like to pretend I was there b looking at picutres.
Best game ever,m they could make an exact replica of gears one, wth new levels and it would be best game ever.