Damn, now i cant blame y oversizedniess on genes JK, I'm like the opposite of obese, legit. I'm like 5'8 and only like a buck ten. I was...
ha allright sounds cool, maybe you could help out with the aesthenics on my next map, i think there already insane but theres always room for...
okay cool, im out almst all sunday though i think
istead of creating two threads, you can just move it, so this one will prob get locked, or the other
I don't think i suck so i could join, my rank isnt high, but i have like 1300+ custom, and like 400 social and 300 something ranked my high is...
ha thanks, and that sucks, so i cant help ya out
lol, i like all these, though one was a bit inapropriate, but i have a very good idea for one, hopefully ill be able to do it, if not, ill just...
yah i have moderate, i have no idea how to change it, it blows.
I wasnt gonna click on this at first, but then i did and it said linu, and i was like yippy =) You have some really really good interrlocking...
I never realized the pics werent working, so i just checked my threads and i saw they werent so they are now fixed. I had better, but i r...
Ae goolie, whats up kid. Have fun round here, post smart and have fun my friend. As you continue your stay here youll find out many things....
It was me, I'm getting featured soon enough though =) But I can see someone doing that, wanting it to be perfect
Guitar hero has through the fire and the flames, its a *****, but a great song. my choice.
I like it, thats brioshock related right? Yeah it is lol i r idiot. i like it
Bro, I don't even know what to say. I can't tell you how sorry I am. This **** happens though, and it sucks. One of my best friends brothers had...
i loved peasant hunt, so im pretty sure ima love this too, its just like, a betetr version of it right? with like more ssmaller doorways? it looks...
its huge and well forged and basically covered in delicious winsauce. Inmterlcokings cool, and of course it looks good. And the inside looks...
This has been argued countless times, they're the best maps, mainly because the premiums do make the better maps, mostly, and thats how they...
I r a pro elite, and i own in sway, if they shoot at me, i just turn around and run away lol, i never get killed.
I remember i was in second grade and some one on my bus told me baout it, but he said he was cool, isnt that messed up? well hes one ****ed up kid...