decades... [spoiler]
well hai there. welcome to forgehub sweetie. have a good time hun.
love to haha, ya im judging a contest right now too so if you wanna test one of the maps with me thad be cool, im excited aBOUT this one i think...
k, now that I'm a judge, am I allowed to call reviewing squared circle by linu? lol. I havent played it yet, but i saw the original posts and it...
my bxob is ****, I'm on my second call of duty disc and 3rd exbox.
Okay, I donwloaded my map Sanskrit and played on it heres the review. Before I look at maps I love to see what other people have to say about...
sucks, they funbled seven times its ridiculous
lol hes right cas i think it was the offical y35 that posted a fixed up foundry map for lmc2 and was outta the contest for it, something to do...
hm, i can has judge position? If not ima enter bad posture i thinik because i dont think it has budget.
you have some really cool looking stuff in here, the first thing a saw was the little sink whole which i loved, then the upside down geomerged...
whoa, thats like really cool, its a nice effect i think, and i like the wings. Even though I have no idea what I'm talking about when it comes to...
I never posted anything about modded content? what are you guys talking about? But had i posted something about modden content i downloaded it...
oh dude i have no idea
ight, well i have no money or free month trials, so i might as well tell you guys my failing idea. make two accounts 1= George W Bush 2= The...
itis a cool map, some nice interlocking, but you never aid anything about a roof, so it is extremely easy to escape, and trust me people will try...
We need to finish that one up ahah i wanna post it muy malo. yah escaping is easy, i thought there was an invisib;e roof in one spot, but was...
are you getting involved around here more? jw cas your post count went up from like 5-17 haha
prob some shitty map from bungie favorites lol but i think interrobang will be cas it got a bunch here, but then is getting on bungie favorites,...
this is really cool, i love how you have bases all over the map, thats awesome. I'm not a fan of infection, but it appears you made a great map...
Yah, they should check out that Bad Posture map by that Bloumbas kid aesthenics are pretty cool I could has recon? jk, i could care less, i dont...