itts not embedded. Both of you need to check out how to post pictures and read the rules, actaully everyone else whose posted on this thread needs...
you need to embed pictures, give a discription, and other gametypes, no one else comment, unless its about how to embed pics, or a link to a forum...
nah east coast bro good times aahha
i just got home you
Did you really nnot get a single comment on this map? did you post in maps, or what? the layouts awesome clean itnerocking. I rly like this map...
Bro you got some serious skills, I thing the interlocking is awesome, maybe you could add geomerging, so there are more ways to get out of the...
Borat... Hahahaha just kdding, but that movie is great. Hmmm... foreign movies...I know I saw one, it had some asian girl in a bath tub getting...
check out forgemates, i got like 3 partners outta that haha.
how to is floating above off the cliff of anyther map hence- you fall, you die.
Thatr happens to me, but instead of spawning stuff delees or ungeomergeds, and it pisses me off, like you can understand. I make curved maps, so...
much work could be done with this map im sorry to say, there is no way of keepinig people in the circle, and if you fall ff, there is no way to...
I seem to be having a lot of troubles these days, with school and other things. But as I was forging today,I was aking the outer wall, and...