if ppl didn't have video games to blame they'd go find somethin else to blame for what their kid does. it's all denial from the reality that they...
im thinkin maybe you should take a shot at the design again. cuz i can see that you know how to merge and interlock but your design ideas could...
sick ass map man 5/5... one question tho. who the hell gave this map 2 stars??? y would you???. i'll rate it so the average can increase
there's plenty worse on the computer and tv regaurding sex. but my question is why do they consider it horrible to have a video game with nudity...
great idea man griffball with stickies haha. is friendly fire on? you have my DL
been doin that without the pic at least haha. thnx
Domain V2.5 Link:http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/61943-domain-v2-5-a.html Title:Domain V2.5 GT:"X2SheaX" or "Urban Myth XXXX"
ya get it out em out there for more ppl to see
even if the pics give it away you need at least one. im just warning you man, your gonna pisss aloota ppl off
knight are suppose to have swords! but spazmonkey's gotta point tho.... btw i haaate honor rules no one ever listens. but you gotta great idea...
ahh i need these maps haha. I thought of remaking a map in the sky bubble too. Won't say which one cuz someone may be stealng the idea... anyways,...
it's a nice map man. but i coulda sworn i saw this posted yesterday....? wat up wit dat? anyways 4/5
tha point is not to camp... srry. why dont you like it tho? sniping mongoose riders is very difficult and it's not an instint kill so you do have...
the problem wit cover... ppl will jus camp there until the 2 mins are up. if i make it a path instead of a timed game it'll make things 2 easy for...
i had this idea a long time ago but the elephant would fall most of the time so i never finished. how often will the elephant successfully take...
ok i have one word badass... ok so 2 words. either way i love the idea you had for this, love swat (h8 elites, srry if you are one but i dnt...
Srry homie but i have to agree with kittuns. I could make this easily myself within half an hour. Don't mean to be harsh, just honest. 2/5
k thnx man im jus dumb haha
i want one that has links to my maps and idk where to start