i like the sword you made him hold
yea sorry looks exactly the same
i know which part actually those bridges merged in a checker formation are the same but you can drop down from the top with them they dont only...
Made by Camoflaug- Sewage Line is a competitive map made for 2v2 KOTH, ODDBALL, and TEAM SLAYER also great for 1v1 its high posts and narrow...
looks kinda weird but iv never seen the original one so w/e
sorry this isnt an mlg map theres hallways completely closed off areas and power weapons.
i like that stair thing in one of the picks that are croseed in a X formation cool
i like the middle structure and those bridges you walk on to get up to them good job
wow calm down there dont have to be like that not cool at all....
Hmmm not sure the point of this map id be cool with a more detailed explanation
actually i lve maps that arent interlocked it makes it much harder to make stuff look right and i think this map looks fun to play
haha cool i like that man cannon thing you did there good job
cool map ill dl
mmm dont like the look of the map it does look hectic and a bit confusing it might be the screen shots but... not for me sorry =(
cool map 4.5/5 i like the structure in the middle
meh not a big fan of this map looks to closed in which leads to alot of melee and beating eachother down.
thanks tok alot of time
I love welcome home its great! nice map once again.. We should play it later today or maybe even make a map togeather some time.. well talk to you...
lol Ri_guy538@hotmail.com mail.com go on and ill tell ya too many creeps on this site = ) lol jk i love you all
TERMINAL 1v1 DOWNLOAD Terminal 1v1 is a symetrical 1v1 map. Terminal is the smallest 1v1 map you will ever see that still works and plays...