Its the angle, If he wanted to show a backround, he would have an angle showing the backround...
Its not MC... And theres nothing in the bacround..... Nice shot tho man.. i like the top left were it's just blue.
Nicce and Nicce
How so ?
Overused effects, and a bad choice of colour.
8=d no you!
Needs Moar Cowbell ! [spoiler][/spoiler]
t(-.-) Sooooooooo, Whats up?!
Yerrr I was like, Chucks sis out of OT? then i was like wtfpedobearbbq?! and then i was like >:[mustvmthatdbag :L
Soz, But the Pen and ink REALLY Messed up the shot, like, the aestetic helmet looks badass but you got the blades white and that took the badass...
You need way smaller text closer to the focal, A Visible Focal, Dont brush over it, And waaaaay more blending..
WOOOW I HATE YOU! i accually thought you were chucks sister lmao.. until i seen pedo bear lmao
[IMG] Originality?
Yeah, It was kindof a pointless capture card test i believe.
Better render/stock.
Needs lighting, Better colours, And a better focal, he looks like a girl..
Looks like RK
He got 3 shots before.. 4-5 shots to kill an oershield, he wasted a whole clip,And by the time someone had time to pick up An overshield grab a...
A few pointless clips, Barely Any editing Question, Why the hell would you put a single br kill in there when he was one shot at the end, Really...