Great songs, Im sure shanon and insane will be in this thread soon.
to prevent things like
Is there a wa you could warn anyone further that doesnt discuss screenshot of the week in the sotw disscussion thread??
Only one picture man, Pick one then Edit your post.
You must ! Then i you say i showed you the site and i get staff pozishun!!!!!!
i dont ****ing care, we can go in tournies and stuf just join damnit !
You should, We can get a mlg team ho
OH THAT, yerr, i liek it :D Did you join???
JAAAWWWWWNNNNNYYYY BBBOOOOOYYYYY!!!! join up, Tournoments, Scrims, Customs, etc, like gamebattles but smaller.
When i get xbl back, CoD ?
yashur, irstalkingforgehubfromfacebookwutrurname?
Be sure to consider me if you get a new site :D I have great ideas, and a crazy imagination :D And yeh, im only on forgehub and that, i find it...
Well, Forsaken from forgehub, Created a forum called forgebox, similar setup to forgehub, And i was one of the first members, i gave ideas and all...
i hate chilli :[ But, glad yur back so i can speak at you !
Were you just chillin or were you in black president land ?
WWERE THE **** HAVE YOU BEEN!!!! </3 you left me lost and insecure..
You think it has potential?
Win sig is win.. Wtf's your name ? fst n lst