Bar Refaeli - Google Images I did it for you...
Your a younging... Nice writeup though, A good read. Do more.. Also, Nice and thanks for the mention of Screenshot of the Week, Maybe it'll...
YUUUU GIII OOOH yeah, v3. i lol'd
As a main colour... Screenshot discussion thread, Dont discuss in this .
Please do not distress us by disturbing the sanctity of our neighborhood and our way of life as jews commited to G-D and his torram.. Have fun (:
TRANSFORMERS ROBOTS IN DIS- No? Nice shot, Thats pretty rad.
intarview me :D
funny..true.. not much to cnc, maybe a different font in the middle. I see str8 loln!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!1
Do you have skype?? it seems more conveniant than vm's 24/7 if so; Donii.iinoD
Congratss, be sure to ask him if i can has one :D
SEXXXXXXY.. See if hell make me one, ill go on Digital screenshot and ditchthe other kid, if he does :P
Dont listen to RR, stay out of the off topic for a bit...
Do you see the black in the picture??
@ lil drummer: I was thinking about that, and campaign was our first theme evar.. @ kill4over: how would i know it has a tin cup, maybe the map...
Cncs are not for number ratings, gtfo. Ya need a bettar clour scheme and alot more blending, maybe add some gradient maps, lighting etc..
i smell mspaint
H3 Scrims JOIN
go on h3scrims and then go to the 100 post countdown and talk to me, Also, make a intro ( And mention me obv (: )
Well, If you join, and advertize, it will get over 200 members..
H3 Scrims Join upp, Make an intoduction.. ( Mention me obv (: ) Go in the ppc and talk to me..