later man have fun
well i have some questions, is every item thats placed on the original sandbox going to be erased when you go to forge on it, (if u want it to)...
ahh thats lucky y not?
well i got school, so once i get off school ill tell u. I get off at 3:00 pm so its 1:00 pm for u ill be on at about 3:20 so we will see then
ok thats fine just go put the map on ur fileshare and ill get it off there and look at what you've got so far
oh canada thats awsome ive always wanted to go to canada. When u wanting to start on our map?
the video was the only thing to help i saw that post a while back (great find btw) I will have to try it out thanks , it looks a little hard tho.
Well it was actually better than what i thought. There was a little bit spawning because 3 people could controll the area easier, but not too bad...
umm yeah y were do u live, (west virginia here)
7:40 pm lol y, what about u?
lol im glad i brought up this post apparently theres a lot of complication in which method is the best. anyways i just posted it because im not...
lol dude that sounds a little bit confusing. Ill have to try it later, maybe its easier, though the mancannons sound as if it will turn the wall...
thanks a lot dude, ur the only one whos helped me so far
all i have to say is ha. I've read all these post and i got to say a lot of you think the way i do. and others just typed a post to have a post ....
hey ive noticed that ur helpful in the forums and that u do a lot of posts there so ive had up this question that was transfered to forging...
thanks for moving this to the right section but would some1 plz anwser the question
thanks a lot "travishavye" thats the best reply ive had yet. I was rather dissapointed when i noticed this didnt get to good of comments...
ok so if i have a regular double box just sitting there (not geomerged) how could i build a wall double ramp coming down from it geomerged into...
account. and the gamertag is h a v e y
ok and i created a new acc.