ok thanks for the offer, and it should be done in about 6 days or so, cause ill have a lot of time to work on it
Ok I've been working on this map changin things, designing new things, and interlocking things for about the past two months now and this is what...
dude this is probably the best first video ive ever seen. I dl this map yesterday and it was incredible, its a whole new kind of forge type. It...
yeah i know what u mean
I know but im sure u dont wanna forge on foundry when u can forge on sandbox., have u started on a sandbox map yet?
have u been working on any maps on sandbox?
yeah it was pretty cool
no not yet, how does the LE work is there like a xbl card in it with the mythic map pack code?
lol dude i read that this year in english class its actually a decent story
I pefer spartans becuase elites heads are a bit bigger, giving a better advantage for them headshots
oh i just got halo wars, becuase the halo wars limited edition was sold out
thanks a lot forgegod (lots of help)
ok do u guys remeber a picture guide from google sketchup when a guy found a new way on how to geomerge ramps onto a double box. he showed us how...
ok so when is the mythic map pack comming out on the halo3 marketplace?
ok i just got back from the store and the guy said that the le isnt coming out until about 1 or 2 months????
some (Q) about halowars/mythic mappack if i go to a nearby game store and buy the limited edition halowars, does the mythic map pack come with it?
no mythic isnt out on the marketplace yet is it?
wtf r u talking about dude, they dont use computer programming, lol. If you dont believe me download them and there the same as the pictures,...
I cant really say who's the best because every game there's always someone who does better. but I guess in my opinion the top three is walshy...
thanks a lot venom, thats probably the best comment ive got yet, and I did try to use the walls as much as possible because I find them to be...