haha Your gamertag kinda gave it away.
Haha, I try.
Didn't bother reading to see if it had been posted yet, but, Goldeneye 007 for N64
Sup Manny? I'm also a Canadian that's proud of our olympics, even though we've only got ten medals... -.- Anyway, I do live near Vancouver. so I'm...
How does one tell if one is in the beta? I signed up the day that the sign up thing opened.
I'd follow the tradition I do with all games, play the entire campaign before anything else. After that I'd probably fire up forge to see what I...
IMHO I think there will be two more halo games after reach that are like Halo 1-3 where you follow one character's fight. Maybe playing as...
I Am Legend Saving Private Ryan Black Hawk Down Fight Club No particular order.
They don't make people guardians if they're going to trick people into downloading viruses. Anyway, nice pack Agamer!
What's up, Sam? Nice to see you've decided to join the site. You should read these rules and check out the ORLY/OM NOM thread if you want some...
AAR - No. Just, no. Owl City - Never gonna happen. Like, no chance. Ever. Weird Al - He writes annoying parodies that some 7 year olds sing for...
So today I found out I have a hot and easy french teacher. This course is gonna be sweet.
Man. I love you. By just looking at your post with your signature attached I love you. I'm going to make sure that you really enjoy your time...
Canadians are awesome.
I whored for achievements my first 3 months of xbox live until I realized my 3000 gamerscore wasn't impressive. I'm sitting at about 13k atm.
Welcome to Forge Hub! Read The Rules and abide by them and you should get along with everyone. It's good that you decided to join because we have...
Welcome to the site, JAG! Best. Initials. Ever. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the site. The community here's usually friendly, and if they're not then...
The teardop of the object cannot be outside the map geometry at any time. If it is, when you start a new round, the game will just push it out of...
[IMG] So I just got CS4 a couple days ago and I put a bit of effort into learning some more photoshop. This is a few things I learned put...