Do Want. Anyways, on topic, I remember seeing the first trailer for the game and jizzing in my pants. Just a while ago I saw that they were...
I got a free code for the beta off of gamespot, but I wasn't really interested, so I gave it away to Xylom.
I love you. Also, congratz on getting your banner up!
All @ Killor: I don't want to bash your game-making skills or anything, but I didn't like Halo-hub for two reasons: 1) Couldn't use it 2) I don't...
I just got my lvl 50 Siren today. Yesterday, though, I played the "Secret Armory of General Knoxx" on PLAYTHROUGH 1 and recieved a Jakobs revolver...
I call his house!
You guys have heard of Killor117? He's currently working on a game to put on his server, but atm it's empty. Maybe we could convince him to...
We should.
I have never loved you more than this particular instant...
lolz photoshop fail
If it's transparent then there is no white background?
In my pants, come get it.
I am indeed 15.
The transparency's there, but I have a black background on my profile. :P
I went to downtown Vancouver and had a couple drinks with friends. Then we ran around giving random high fives to people wearing team Canada...
Okay, so my friend found this game on teh inturwebz. The guy that made it apparently helped make BioShock. Anyway, this is a risk-esque game that...
Lolz. I remember being able to sneak into act II with someone... Then I sold some boots I stole from there for like 10000 'cause I thought I'd get...
It's not monday for another 2 and a half hours over here, but I just got back from celebrating the Gold Medal we got in Hockey... Canada's awesome.