Thanks for your input. I did use some of the classic interlocking, but I used a lot of ghostmerging, too. As I mentioned in the foreward, I was...
Foreward: I finished constructing this map while still being a member of the FHA Beta. Shortly before I was going to originally release it, my...
And this, kids, is why you never get in a sarcasm fight with sarge.
Trust me, she ain't family. Face it, Sarge. Your little stickman grew up.
Oh snap! I just realized that the dog in your picture has a gun AND a cigar...
Naw, I've got people for that.
The only good job... ... is a hand job.
*Peeks in to see if anything good is going on*
I love this game because it makes me feel like I'm not too old to play Mario Kart. Also, the music's great.
Blizzard Entertainment: Press Releases [spoiler] Set your calendars, boys. On July 27 the whole world is gonna jizz thier pants.
Two suggestions: One: Maybe your parents should stop being so asian Two: Maybe you should've studied harder for that math test in the first place.
One...I'm a newb indeed. Two...Because that snake is awesome.
One... I wouldn't know that, so yeah... And Two, yes, why not?
Hissssss...... Knoxx is the best... As soon as I saw that it wasn't on the DLC disk I was like "Aww..." cause I knew that you wouldn't get it... I...
Yeah I finished the walls and roofs on those diagonal rooms I think...
Honest to God, no. I've barely been on Halo at all since I got a new xbox. It'd probably be best to just finish it yourself if you still have the...
YES! Too bad I'm moving so my internet's out atm...
No, soon it'll be Modern Warfare 3 where you get to shoot dinosaurs that escaped from monster island while you stop the plot to destroy the world...
Old dead thread is old and dead... But I still want some.