[img] :D
No prob. the main problem is getting testers... Once you snatch 'em they usually stay till the end.
You think you could come help out in a mass testing session? I've got 5 or 6 maps that I'm planning on testing and I'm having trouble getting the...
Oi! I'm doing a mass testing session and if you come and bring some people I'll test your map tonight.
Again? Damn. Bad luck looks down on you...
Oi! I'm bored so I'm hosting a mass testing session of some maps posted in the TG. If you want in, just say so.
You available on Xbox right now?
You available right now on Xbox?
Both released in 2010...
Yeah. I figured that you were done because of the "1 Hour Ago" timestamp...
Hmm... Halo... Is that a game? I wonder...
Pre ordered the legendary. The only reason I've got the legendary for both H3 and HR is because both of them were supposed to be the last Halo...
I'm gray first.
Mongoose... Game... Now...
To stay true to the halo in me, ODST. I just can't express how much I loved the ODST campaign. Just something about popping grunt's heads off...
Don't have hub pub. Silly Vince.
Well, I was bored of all other games so I decided to start glancing through the indie games on the marketplace. As I was shoveling through the...