Will you be attending a Halo: Reach Launch Party? I sure as hell am. The last few games I pre ordered I didn't get the bonus for because they were...
Meh. I'll always remember you, silent boobs death.
۞ fllr.
A map where one person spawns in the Coliseum with a falcon that has a hill placed on it. The rest of the people spawn on the other side of...
No offense, but the TG was a dried up wasteland when you became leader and it didn't change once that happened. The reason I say no offense is...
meow I'm happy the initial rush of OMGFORGEGASMFTWLOLOLOLOLOL is over. I personally think the mods handled it perty well... EDIT: Dubs.
Just a list of all the callouts from the ViDoc... I came up with this while ultra analyzing the informative film with Bro Jay. And our analyzing...
I myself am going to be remaking blood gulch... Owai--
In Halo 3's forge, bungie gave us some simple objects and said "go to town". With Reach's forge, bungie is telling us to make our own games. I...
It's not very effective... stickman uses awesomeness!
Bungie stated early on in production that the matchmaking is going to primarily be matches made up of only spartans and only elites because in...
A wild stickman appears!
You do realize they completely reformed it when loyals went out the window, right? Everyone had to start over from scratch.
Borderlands :D
Also, lemme explain the ROLL ROLL ROLL thing to you... Someone typed "rol" when trying to type "lol" I said "rol? Rolling Out Loud?" Then I...
I don't recall bungie downright saying that you can't forge firefight maps, but I doubt it will happen because the ai would have to know where...
I haven't seen you around much lately... Did you just decide to stop coming on?