when i seen this,i started thinking about pokemon,and how they ruined it.
that is true,i just wish people could get along and not argue. its my forgehubversiry.
that is true,so i was going to avoid things like "top 10 trolls" or "most dissapointing features"
ohi,do you think it would be a good idea to start a top 10 series about forgehub? with catagories like "most merorable threads" and most...
join plz :(
wanna see my map? i can get online.
ah,i like it,so i was wondering if you had it.
so i herd you like (getting?) call of duty 4
grrr,i already logged out,and i just created a random account.
I just spent 15 minites making a photobucket account,and uploading. you do it then smarty pants.
[IMG] there is the map.
[IMG] im in the black area
ill get you a map,better refuel your car.
county fairs in the south are as good as it gets. Ill see if you can come :P
uh...nothing at the moment,but ill keep that in mind. Im going to the fair in about 2 hours.
o h i
thank you guys for editing out your answers,it makes it more fun. As for the percentage thing shatakia,i just copy pasta this from a site
I know,i thought of that.But i figured atleast some people would have the decentcy to give it a try.
grow up plese,the forums dont need your posts.
you might wonna ban Above,if you need a reason,just look at his recent posts.