say,mind if i send you a friend request on xbox live?
way to go,after pleeding to the comunity for forgivness,you spam.
oh,and more spam by MLG. look at the last post.
what was your other accounts name,i might know it.
wonna get on xbox live some time?
"I think the design is is pretty good but its waaaay to open for MLG i suggest a v2 with cover, are u allowed to use barricades on mlg maps?" one...
uh...ODST. Was this tread really nessesary?
HK24 for halo kid 024
So i noticed,i posted that when sarge said his Bull**** meter was low.
good bye
oh...well welcome back. Have a good time AGAIN. lol
look at all my posts
its ran by zanitor....your similir name.
click me,then become a member
zander explained it perfectly, interlock a weaponholder sideways into your item,and then place your weapon.
why hello. ever herd of halocrossing?
srsly,ime thinking about making HC my homepage.
i herd you like avatars.