hey man my internet stopped working, so I haven't been on for a while. It should be working by tomorrow. Also, yesterday, there was a huge storm,...
hey, if you want help testing your map "The Event" just invite me. Also, thanks a lot for taking a look at my map the other day.
does it say 7 for you too?
hey man, do you know why my thread still only has 7 views? It's been up for a while now.
hey, have you looked at my map yet?
wait, so you would feature my map? What do I do to get it featured?
wow, I love this map. This is the first map I have seen that succesfuly used building pieces and still kept the map looking nice. Also, the...
hey man, I posted the V2 on forge hub if you still want to feature it.
I know what you mean, but I actually started this a LONG time ago, when there were hardly any city maps. I know what you mean though, and I'm...
hey man, have you checked my post yet? Please tell me what you think.
hey man, about your friends xbox, my xbox broke before because of the red rings and I fixed it. Search up the towel trick to fix it. It might not...
hey man, could you check out my map? I posted the V2 yesterday.
hey man, I already posted V2 in the casual playlist if you want to check it out.
hey man, I wasn't able to test your map in my BIOC, because for some reason only 1 person showed up. I'll make sure to test it next time though....
Wow, great map, very solid. I love how you added lots of natural pieces to the map. In my opinion, the death pit looks very weird and out of place...
I ran out of budget so that building looks a bit awkward, I agree, but when your playing and on the ground you don't notice it, and it looks...
Resistance In A Infected City V2 By Beybok First off, I would like to thank REMkings for tons of feedback and help on this map This map is...
I never got a lobby. Maybe next time. I'm about to post the map.
one person joined but we couldn't get anyone else to play. Thanks for that list.
15 minutes and nobody has sent a message... :0