Just finished my Respawn Zone Anomalies article, one of several in my collection of Reach forge tutorials. Enjoy!!
Did you read the article? And what do you mean by specialized techniques? What does that phrase mean to you?
Added a new Invasion Spawn Tutorial to my collection of articles on forging Reach. Enjoy!
Ya... Do you mind if I ask why you need to split the spawning evenly?
Actually, the entire palette is geared toward creating an alien structure or environment along the Halo theme. Affinity brings this out the best,...
I built a map using for its floors the XXL platform turned upside down. I filled the holes with 2x2 tall blocks. With quad split screen, the frame...
Well, so long as the palette is useful for a more variety of modern structures. Like white walls from boardwalk and doorways from countdown or...
It is important that the game experience support the cohesion of your story line, so you can come across issues like this. I have a similar...
Actually, I realized after I wrote it that proximity influence does not, but zone influence does. See my edit to my post for how to do this. If...
Actually, your statements are wrong. Using weak zones will only influence, but not determine conclusively. And the Spawn Sequence property does...
I did not know they were looking for submissions apart from Bungie. Where is there information that one can read about these submissions, rules,...
I completely agree. Too many people throw phases together, then throw more vehicles into the next phase than the last, without thinking about what...
It depends upon the map, the game type, and your preference. Personally, I would primarily only want to use strong respawn zones dividing the map...
Well, we all have an opinion as to what makes an invasion map fun. Vehicles may not be fun on every invasion map, but to say that vehicles take...
I am putting together my first serious invasion map myself right now. I won't get into what I am doing much as I do not have the final phase...
I actually meant that it is possible to make the game unplayable, not that it would be unplayable in every case. Unlike one bomb in which the...
Wow... 8500 downloads. This really does belong in match making!!
nice idea...
Then the game play would break if the game type allowed the flag in transit to not have any way point. The defenders could just grab them and hide...
The solution using one initial spawn point will work. UPDATE: I took your map and applied a strong zone to the initial spawn point and laid...