I followed the link to down load and it was broken. I went to your file share and could not find it at all. I would love to look this map over....
Looks very interesting. Will download it now. I especially like the long interior view. very cool... One thing I thought of initially was how the...
Thank you... If you find my blog articles helpful, please ask BlackTheorem to post a link to them on the compendium.
This was one of the funnest maps to play on in a long time. I agree that additional underground paths may be useful, or some obstacles above...
I am not able to spend time forging these days, as some things have come up that I have to concentrate on. I don't know when or if I will be back....
Not exactly...
I was hoping I presented it well... all that marketing stuff... I honestly hope this gets into MM.
It was meant to sound like a horror flick... But some have told me it sounds like another kind of scream... ;)
This map has two air fields, one at each end of The Canyon. The map can support multi teams, including 4v4v4v4 and 2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2. It supports...
Here is an infection map that you will enjoy on Anchor 9. YouTube - DS9-F4.wmv Not a lot to say about it. It was long in coming. Hope you enjoy...
@Blaze - that is a sweat map. I like the bridges - very nice...
Territories is asymmetric. 3 plot and land grab are symmetric. I have no idea what you mean by "style". I don't recall a property by that name....
You might want to check out an article on respawn zones that explains zones in depth and is based entirely on official bungie documentation.
Do you mean that a flag is spawning at the flag stand as you walk away with a flag you just grabbed? if this is the problem, then it is the number...
Maybe this can help...
I have just finished an article that provides a case study on Invasion spawn setup. The map is called Affirmation, and is a work in progress at...
Like everything, they have their place. I know what you mean. They don't seem realistic like a DMR or sniper. But if you ever make an Invasion...
This is interesting. I found with the golf ball and soccer ball that if you try to merge them into a block, it won't work. But once you have it...
Applying good aesthetics to a map is literally art. Throwing more blocks on top of blocks is useless. You can clutter your map with noise in...
I started one on Designing For Predictability, and another one on an overview of influencers in general. The first is in need of more clarity on...