Where did you get that information? That's really interesting to hear.
lol I guess they wanted to keep it to as close as possible to the gameplay on Valhalla. It happened all the time on that map too. :P
You probably did more often than you might think. It was a great way to counter Z-fighting amongst two crossing objects, as Unfrozenlynx mentioned...
You may as well mention the lack of the Insane gametypes. Those were huge in Reach, and it's pointless leaving them out in Halo 4 from release...
Pick up the custom powerup, thus removing the one thing that was holding the crate/container in place, resulting in a rather crushing death by the...
You forgot the exclusion of Falcons, and the removal of the popular gamemodes Race, Insane and Invasion, as well as the lack of VIP, which we all...
Oh yeah, I forgot that one. It's a shame because using water was awesome in Reach :S Glad to hear the typical Halo experience is back though, I...
The fact that you can now phase moveable objects, as well as the fact that you can put down a single sandbag, has made me a lot more excited again...
Nice! Can you tell me what are your biggest pluses and biggest minuses of Forge? Without having played the game, I think my biggest pluses would...
I'm getting a better and better picture of what our map should look like. I didn't buy the game yet though, and it will probably take at least...
Why did you buy the new xbox? lol, my parents would never allow me and my brothers to do that.. and I'm 19. ;) I don't think I'll have it until...
Haha, sounds good, but... I don't have the game yet. :( Besides, I'm not at home this weekend so I'm afraid it'll have to wait...
I don't have it yet either (and it is probably going to take at least a week until I do), but I'm guessing that's going to be Forge. SpartanPeter,...
Woooot Nak3d Eli! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DHuz-K77wc
So, did you test the new version of Lone Souls in a Lost Mine already?
Glad to hear that, even though vp snipes isn't actually my most reliable source for Halo experience. I mean, he is **** at the game :P Forge kinda...
I just realized that the classic death traps in Halo 3, using a man cannon, moveable container and custom powerup are now also gone. :(
Nailed it. Right there. Sad face. :(
If they removed it, then that would be another example of somewhat neglecting forge. The difference between safe havens and player trait zones is...
Haha I knew it. Edited by merge: Berb, can you tell me if Safe Havens are still there? (Pleeeeaaase let it be so)