Yeah I'll definitely buy it but right now I don't have enough money and time. But I will soon, hopefully! And yes, I'm looking forward to checking...
I really liked grenades in Halo 3. They weren't meant to kill; they were meant to take away someone's shields to finish him off with a headshot...
Alright. I'll try to get a game going this weekend. I'll just ask a couple of friends to join in. Thanks!
I can try to arrange a game on it sometime (probably with mostly random people) and then save the clip and show you how it plays now. Or do you...
I don't even have Halo 4 yet :( Why do you guys bother so much not featuring Halo Reach content, such as with FHF? It will take some time before...
---------- So, did you test the new version of Lone Souls in a Lost Mine already? ---------- ^^^^^
The map looks okay, but you NEED to change the name because this one is extremely unoriginal. And I always dislike it when I see another standard...
I've become to believe this as well more and more recently. I think they're bringing out their content piece by piece, so the community will...
From what I could tell, in one of Mr Pokephile's vids the Juicy fx actually does make the map darker while not making any pieces glow. The Next...
There was actually already a thread for this. Lock this one, mods?
Will you join our Halo 4 BIOC lobbies again? I haven't seen you in ages, and you were always such a loyal fan :(
You shouldn't say "y'know" so often in your THFE vids. It's kinda annoying ;)
I still don't have the game and won't have it until one or two weeks, but I think we should wait with our map to release it once we finished it....
As much as I hate it too, I wouldn't be too upset right now and bash 343 for it. Even though I haven't yet played the game myself (which sucks...
Don't bullshit now, you know what he means :P
dafuq? For real? Wow. Well, then I guess I have to delay some of my projects until they fix that, because there ain't no Linear forging with the...
Then you might as well just use Slayer and don't give the players points for kills. If you use KotH, the player in lead will always win because he...
By the way, I hate that we can't change the initial weapons or AAs
Yes, of course we do :D And bro, you must have a lot of freetime that you already finished forging a map. I don't even have the game yet and...
The Next Gen is soooo much more useful for forging Infection than Purple. That one looked pretty ugly, actually. Besides, Impact and Erosion are...