the thing is with an arena map where the opponent spawns in either one of the 'hallways', your opponent knows where you're going to be and could...
I like this robot because it has a good, well...body shape? It has a good pose and the tail is cool too. Its nice to see action shots in the...
It would be nice to see each level of the map as more as an overview but from the pics we do have - it seems alright. I would suggest cutting down...
From the first pic i thought the map was going to be boring but from the rest of the pics, i have to think otherwise. It's good that you have used...
The concept of the map looks good but it is really open and really needs some cover. The structures look pretty bare soo the map doesn't seem very...
I like it, more mini-games are staring to pop up now. Thsi one seems pretty challenging but also fun to play too. It looks like there is plenty of...
Fantastic job with this map for a first post. The layout has a great structure and i think that it's awesome for a competitive game. Not all maps...
wow, this is an amazing guide. must have taken you ages. Its very detailed and just about covers everything.
As you are new here at forgehub, it's only natural your post isn't up to standards. You really should read the guides first. For a map post, it is...
Wow. This is a beautifully interlocked and well structered map. Haven't seen one for a while lol. Its cool that you have used the...
NO WAY! I am just doing a history essay on WWII battles and Stalingrad was one of them! Are u in year 9 by any chance? nice map anyway
As this is an MLG Map, i would really consider making a V2 where it is interlocked. The bridge does look a little scrappy, as does the cover above...