Nice WWII Ships. The Scorpians as he cannons work well too. Also as you've used the black and white filter, it gives that war feel to the map too....
You have double posted this map now and there is really no need to. You could have just edited your previous post. Please try to do that in the...
From your ever so small pics, the map looks decent but as they are so small, i really can't decipher what is really there. You need to make them a...
I sound like a complete nerd by saying im interested in stuff like evolution. It is really interesting though. I'm non-religious and i completely...
Sorry Montarion, i think it may be against Bungie's rules so im not goin ahead with it sorry
yh i think its against Bungie rules anyway so im not gunna bother lol. I'll try on my own hehe
Would an Admin or Mod please lock this thread please, thanks
I agree with the 'play from HDD' option. I keep moaning at my bro for leaving the discs out. This should cut out this hastle lol. They better...
This map is a work of art! The interlocking and geo-merging is, actually, perfect. It must have taken many hours for you to have made this map....
Wow, exciting map! In see you have used plenty of interlocking and geo-merging towards good use and when i saw the pics i would have said use more...
Its agood idea as the inside of the map seems close-quaters and pretty much like a COD4 map too. May i ask if it is only in one room - or both,...
Lol, i was **** scared when i first saw the map name, i thought you might have stolen a map i haven't posted yet - but you didn't :). Onto the...
C'MON GUYS! You do not need the flame him! One good piece of advice with a link would help but no, i don't see any here. No wonder most of you...
It was a great movie when it came out but 'The Day After Tommorrow'. Sure they are saved but c'mon, ICE AGE for god sake...they are still going to...
Hell yh! London are holding the 2012 Olympics - epic disaster. Its way to cold over here in England. A holiday to America would be awesome. You...
To be honest people - Chicken Dippah has said all the critism in a constructive, suttle manner and let it that be the end of it (+ rep for him...
Really nice map. Some great interlocking techniques have been used here and one thing i haven't seen in a little while...geo-merging. Interlocking...
This is nice and i can see that you have spent a lot of time creating this. The track itself is interlocked and curved beautifully and with the 45...
I took this screenshot on snowbound.'s out of the map but i didn't make the map. Then again i could add u in a custom game so you could...
That a really cool pic - just like in horror movies when you walk out of the room and the beast awakes. The yellow and black gives the CAUTION...