The map looks good in itself but are you sure that romans map was stolen? The cube is a masterpiece and must have taken ages too make but to add...
At the moment, BlazeIsGod is my favourite because of the rate at which he churnes out maps. These maps of course are all amazing. Martyrdom, which...
The concept from this map looks good but from the pictures, I can't realy work out the layout of the map. It seems like play would be good on this...
Nice interlocking and this map has a nice structure. I have seen a map like this before but I have to say that yours is of better quality. Very...
On my Bungie profile - its Melee. But in almost every game I play now, it's the Battle Rifle. Got to be becuae it's so accurate, quick (if...
Feature maps? That's a bit of an ask for a brand spanking new member... Still it would be nice to see the evolution of how you makes maps.
Ah Boydy, what can't he do wrong... Anyway welcome to Forgehub. It's good you make maps because, well, it's what we do best here. We do have all...
Definately the best map that I've seen from you so far. The centre structure is interlocked really well and the walls surrounding most of the map...
I've hated the Bungie favourites for months now. They just aren't capable of churning out good content. Can't wait until Forgehub has anotheer...
To be honest - if your friends want these maps to be downloaded, why don't they make a Forgehub account and post them properly themselves? Sorry...
Thanks for the rep - its nice to see posts appreciated. I'll find a post of soon and give you some random rep :D
Thanks for the rep a couple of days ago :) Nice boost, if I see a post of yours soon do you want some rep - it won't be much though sorry lol
Don't get me wrong, this map has got potential to be great but there are a few things to think about. Firstly and mainly, the openness. You need...
Great map, I can see you put a lot of work into it. The interlocking you used in some places is immaculate. I'm glad you put pleny of cover in the...
I have: - 2 wireless Xbox 360 conrtollers - 2 Playstation1/Playstation 2 controllers - 3 Wii controllers + 2 steering wheels + Wii sports...
Haha I think I've seen this before - I still laughed at it! :D
It does have sort of a chinese feel to it. The building, trees and mountain fit in really well to the surroundings. Good pic
In my maps that i make now, I try to interlock and/or geo-merge every structure I make. It can be a lengthy job but doing so puts you a league...
I'll start off by saying the good things about your map. Your weapons choice are good for a map like this and the sheild doors are unique there....
The bases are interlocked well. The structures aren't unique but I suppose it doesn't have to be. I'm glad you put in that extra bunker as it...