Hotpokkaminny is a %@#*&!. why does he bother you?
That romance was and so is your humor.
you are disgusting...
uh, wanna play some good ol` H3?
wanna play sumthin such as halo?
Yes. But if they arnt converted, they have a one-way ticket to hell.
How much (^&%$@! atheists are there?! 33, do you think they can be converted?
yes but friends back up friends
That stupid devil guy is wrong.
uh yeah. Same here. But um, dont be demanding.
Please leave eguitarplaya33 alone.
on your achievement list.
Are you on LSD? It seems to be the likely cause of your inacurate accusations. I ask you something. You`r supposed to answer. Not question it.
Look at your achievements kind sir.
it says you do.
your soffish GT pic is awesum. wher did ya get it?
XBL and mi mac.
It said on mi screen.
it says that.