my bad. wrong person.
Becuase its posted
How did you gotz 2 ranx?!
I heard COD WaW is bad.
It said you got banned.
Thats a sexy avatar you gotz.
Your avatar has over 8000 Dls.
wanna play some FH?
Get the video. Show the video to everyone, Go to the theater, Take etc.
CORRUPTION never mentions other peoples names in forging.
Maybe Truedarkfusion is making another website. OR maybe TrueDark is dead. Truedark, come back.
This is getting somewhat convoluted. If god did exist would`nt he give us good stuff like unicorns and marsh-mellows? See!? That is proof to why...
Gamer picture
Profile update coming soon.
Nice FH rank, I`m interested in how you Admin.
where did`ja get that GP?
The weapon lay out still is somewhat odd but I`ll adjust, hopefully. I wish there a few more screenshots though also. Overall its pretty :lol:, fine.
Following the rules to can be helpful to y`know. Overall these pictures could have been better, had you adjusted some lighting effects it might...
I like the name.
Is CoD WaW better than COD4?