Wanna play H3 later?
Whats better? A loyal or a premium?
Um, thats random.
Um sorry about that.
Chris, can I go on others profiles and tell them about you-know-who?
Why now? Because this guy is not giving the credit you deserve. He is ripping you off and now your starting to find out... Thats why mr.
Well, anarchy is the only one humans will always revert back to for numerous reasons whether it be lack of good judgement or something else such...
So wait, if CORRUPTION is way above your skill level then why do you have the 6000 visits, while he has 400... must be something to do w/ his...
Hey thanx. Um, josh wants to kill you finally in H3.
I cant do that or you-know-who will report me. Just ask TKD xspartanx.
Brain, you have none.
I got 1000 visits. And you said I was gonna fail?
1000th visitor is?
Well then why was i able to copy and paste this---------------------------------------- TKD xspartanx Corruption I dont think i have been getting...
CORRUPTION claims maps.
Hey your friend corruption is worried about the truth spreading. He is a dumb worried pansey... (mind my language)