Your never online anemor... : (
aww, I dont mind. I find working w/ josh hard but it doesnt bother me.
Is she sexy to?
Hey, how do you get in the tester guild?
Is she any good?
Aww, well do you wanna forge w/ me?
Whitenoob1. Have you heard the name?
will you be online today by any chance? (I simply rephrased it)
Why didnt you accept my game invite on H3?
Hey, It says your idle.
Your profile picture is hilarious!!!
I like your animated sig. Did`ja you make it yourself? If so could you help me?
Where did you get your profile pic? Can you give me the link?
who is hayley williams?
Hey, I`m your hundreth visit! You owe me sumthin`...
I stayed up till 5 Am. I think I`ll beat you this time in H3.
Hey I`m playin w/ your matchmakin`....
I miss you. Goose.
Your motto or what ever its called is somewhat odd...
In your oppinion?