Well hunters have lasers... And big brothers......
They look a little fat though. That would slow them down substantally.
How big is a Drinniol?
Ah ha. So you dont know the answer. Who would win in a fight? Drinniol or hunter?
yay, hez back
How am I an Idiot? You never said they had insurmountable fist-fight skills. All you said was simply put-"They`re smart. Duh. blah blah phor blah...
Who would win in a FIST-FIGHT? Phor or elite? I said fist fight.
Oh, you changed your name.
oh. Just checkin`...
Who would win in a fight? Phor or elite?
Oh, that sux. i kinda liked your avatar for um, torso reasons...
That or your to lame to buy a 360...
Forgegod has no real XBL account. LOL
Well that sux.
Do I have to?
I answered your Question.
No Sniping. No vehicles - No powerups. __________________
can i play fifa to?
You gonna be on in five, H3?
Cool. well, Um, wanna play H3 today?