ROFL, I'll have you know I was going to add that in. But then I thought it would be too obvious to state and just end up being a 'well dah'...
Well you don't have to be psychic to see that! Lmao I just realised, you and I are very similar in a lot of ways and yet very different in others.
Indeed, you think the wrong way, I think the right way... NO LOL! I joke =P Just thought I'd throw that out there, you left it wide open for it =]
Lololololol I don't believe in any of that crap. It's all bullshit and paranoia. And the only reason it has become popular is because it sells....
Retard... I believe the correct term is Schizophrenia
Psychic, yes?
Waste of time Also Mallet could probably explain why I stopped. I entered in a couple. I think I got a couple infractions and/or warnings.
Exactly, lol. You're awesome at the whole... Actually I really don't know where I am going with this so I'll just stop.
PSD or it didn't happen We do love you lots =] You are quite fantastic. It was a hard choice between yours and Spagettii's
Lol sure, well I basically use my Laptop as a PC now anyway, it's on a stand with a mouse and keyboard plugged in. I rarely take it anywhere now....
Hahaha Laptops are convenient. The only thing I regret about getting a laptop is the upgrade-ability of them. Like I don't think I can add more...
Lmfao Nice!
Lol it certainly helps.
Yeah I plan on buying a new PC and a new Mac. Best of both worlds. [4 screens ftw]
Wow lol... His is a piece of ****. Maybe he just has a tone of bloat software and spyware and other crap like that. I know what I'm doing and know...
That's what I have anyway
Just tell him to buy a 4GB Flash Drive and plug it in. Vista's Ready Boost feature is ****ing brilliant.
I don't have any fancy dual core or quad core, just the old and boring single core laptop. Nearly 2 years old now infact. Before Vista came out.
For your viewing pleasure;
Just debunking some silly Vista Myths; [IMG] Why does everyone think you need an expensive super fast computer to run Vista? The only other...